Monday, May 5, 2008

New Stuff

OK! Refresh your page! Once more! If statistics are any friend to you, you should have seen that my banner is now cycling between random images. Hurrah! This is how I spent my afternoon today, so hopefully it's working for you too. I've noticed that sometimes it won't load fast enough and will just end up displaying an empty box... Let me know if it's causing any other problems...

I'll try to restock it often and filter out the runts of the litter. I feel these first three are not my best work... I think what I hate most about them is that in all three (on three seperate dates), I hadn't showered those days, so my hair is always really gross... (Hmm... Maybe I shouldn't have pointed that out...) Emmaus has really got me down, OK?!

Oh, and special thanks to this guy. I don't know who he is. I just found him on Google.

Also new: Conquests and Contretemps: Abridged is now available on the sidebar!

Stay up-to-date with your dear Uncle Jim in an even more trivial way!

EDIT1: Disregard this post! I'm taking the banner down until I can weed out the empty box of death.

EDIT2: Disregard that last edit! The box of death is dead!


Lance Carlson said...

send this to your tech dept.
i get no cycling or recycling banner.......just a big white box? is it me? or my computer? or that vast ether wasteland?

Lance Carlson said...

never mind........i checked that guy.....and pressed F5.....and voila!

Uncle Jim said...

Hmm... Could it just be taking all eternity to load? Or perhaps the aftermath of the fall of the empty box of death? In any event, I'm glad it's working for you now!